Consulting Services

Cauthen Consulting is a Texas based leadership and develpment consulting organization with the goal to "bridge the gap" from what you know you need to know to actually knowing it and gaining the ability to implament. We offer many different types/kinds of consulting services along with personal, business, and life coaching. We are all about changing the world one person at a time and have developed programs/procedures/workshops for what is missing. Dr. Cauthen is a "gap filler;"  and a "solution finder" -  she has extensive skills to create a set of services that reach far beyond what has ever been offered before. She thinks it is quite silly to reinvet the wheel - so if it is being done well somewhere - fantastic -

 what you will find here is what has not been before. 

Personalized and individulized trainings and "pairings" of clients for the betterment and advancement of all! 

Check out our Consulting Services

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